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Leaving Cert Irish Poems PDF

Are you gearing up for your Leaving Cert Irish exam?

One of the key sections is Léamh na Filíochta, which makes up 5.8% of your overall grade. To help you ace this part, we’ve compiled a Leaving Cert Irish Poems PDF that contains all the poems you need.

In the exam, you’ll be asked to read from one of these poems:

  • Géibheann – the full poem
  • Colscaradh – the full poem
  • Mo Ghrá-sa (Idir Lúibíní) – any three verses
  • An tEarrach Thiar – any two verses
  • An Spailpín Fánach – any two verses

Having all these poems in one handy PDF will ensure you are well-prepared.

Pro Tip: Write Phonetics on Your Sheet

A great exam tip is that you’re allowed to write the phonetics of tricky words in pencil on your exam sheet. This can help you pronounce the Irish words more clearly and with confidence. It’s a simple trick, but it can make a huge difference when you’re in the exam room.


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