Gaeilgeoir Guides

TEG B1 - FREE Course

teg b1

We are offering a free 1 hours course to all TEG B1 applicants. 

At Gaeilgeoir Guides, we understand that sitting the TEG B1 exam can be a daunting experience. In this 1-hour free course we will;

  • Provide you with an overview of TEG B1 Irish Oral.
  • Explore the marking scheme.
  • Provide tips & tricks on how to best prepare for the TEG B1 Irish Oral.
  • Answer any questions you may have.
Course date: 26th July, 7:30 – 8:30pm

This course is taught online via Zoom. Notes are provided via email prior to the course.

Éamon Ó Corcráin is a qualified Irish teacher based in Limerick. Éamon specializes in the provision of educational materials for PMEP applicants and has a strong track record with past applicants.

Éamon is popular amongst PMEP applicants due to his ability to focus on exam competencies and teach grammar concepts through the course content. With a clear and concise understanding of the most commonly asked questions, Éamon is meticulous about ensuring his students are prepared for their oral exam.

Institutions of Education will again be offering the Professional Master in Education (PME - Primary Teaching) in September 2022. As part of the entry process, applicants are required to take the Teastas Eorpach na Gaeilge (TEG) Meánleibhéal 1 (B1) Irish-language oral examination.  Applicants must achieve 65% or higher in this oral examination to satisfy entry requirements. Further information and sample exam papers are available below.

Syllabus and guidelines for candidates  
Sample Exam 1 and Sample Exam 2
Chief Examiner's Report (2021)

Student Feedback

We value the opinions of our students. Our primary aim is to ensure the highest possible pass rates among our students. Please have a look below at what some of our past students have had to say. 

In 2021, over 200 students sat one of our TEG B1 courses.

I found this TEG course very helpful and informative. The notes covered every aspect and all the content was laid out in a way I could understand. Really removed a lot of my worries. Éamon explained the grammar concepts in a clear and understandable manner. Thanks again!

Olivia McKenna TEG B1 Course, February 2022

Cannot recommend Gaeilgeoir Guides enough. I had done another TEG course from a different company and I honestly learnt more in one night on this course than all three with them. I love the idea of having a teacher in every breakout room to help you when doing activities. The notes were super in-depth and having them delivered to the house is a real advantage. Highly recommend!

Hayley Neenan TEG B1 Course, February 2022

Further Questions?

teg b1